Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Clinical Exam: Short Case with Prof H

Dr : This patient LMP was 27 April 2010. What is her POA & EDD?

Me: 34 weeks + 1 day POA, EDD was 3 February 2011

Dr : (Showing the red book) This is the patient past obstetric history. Summarize it

Doctor's Summary (obviously!)
In summary, the patient, G6P5 at 34 weeks with 4 living children with history of low birth weight baby and history of premature labour at 28 weeks for last child. the child died at 2 months of age. Currently came with premature labour. Examine this patient abdomen.

During examination I could not heard fetal heart upon auscultation (even after given 3 chances)

Dr : You never practice ye...(dusH! head shot..)

So basically singleton fetus with longitudinal lie, cephalic presentation, head 2/5 palpable.

Dr : If you are the houseman at screening what do you want to do.

Me: After history and physical examination, I would like to time contraction. Exclude Braxton-Hick and true premature contraction. I would like to do speculum examination to look for vulva vagina excoriation, liquor, sign of infection such as candidiasis (tembak!) and opening of os

Dr : Really candidiasis? What causes premature labour? Infective causes. (Dr must have expected me to go around the bush with all sort of answer..haha)

Me: Bacterial vaginoses, group B streptococci.....candidiasis, I'm not sure.

Dr : Candida did not cause premature contraction. How would you manage?

Me: I would like to investigate...

Dr : You haven't finish your PE. What else in vaginal examination?

Me: (Knock in the head) I would like to check for the station, cervical opening and effacement...(basically all the bishop score but couldn't remember the other 2)

Dr : OK investigation?

Me: I would like to do high vaginal swab, CTG

Dr : What other investigation? Let's say if it is available here..

Me: Fetal fibronectin

Dr : What is its significant?

Me: If positive, patient is having premature labour. (tet! wrong again...)

Dr : Basically if it is positive, patient will deliver within 1 week. Patient is been admitted, what do you do?

Me: Since patient is at 34 weeks, I would like to give 2 injections of IM dexamethasone 12mg 12 hours apart. Tocolytic agent to let the effect of dexa took place.

Dr : After tocolyse?

Me: I would monitor patient for fetal heart rate, respiratory rate & blood glucose...

Dr : Why glucose? Patient is not diabetic.... ok that all. Did you think you perform well during Long Case?

Me: I'm not sure. (Dalam hati..pasrah)


Unknown said...

Hehehe.. so hillarious la.. (imagined ur expressions)

Btw, always pray for ur success. And I believe in u :) amin

Afifuddin said...

memang camni la tiap kali exam...thanks, pray for you too